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The Process

What Comes in Your Jewelry Return Pack

Your FREE jewelry return pack should arrive at your address as soon as three or four days after your request. However, depending on the speed of the mail, it may take up to 14 days.

Inside, you’ll find:

Place your jewelry in the plastic bag and put this and the completed description in the secure envelope. Notice that there is no mention of FastCashGold or words that there are “valuables” contained inside. It’s a generic envelope. This is important when keeping your items safe in transit.

Before placing the pack in the mail, please record the tracking number at the top of the envelope. You can use this number to track your pack through the mail with our secure package tracking feature.

The envelope’s postage has been pre-paid, so you don’t need to put any stamps on it. Send it out with no cost to you.

Gold-Buying Regulations

One of the most significant aspects of the new statute is that it requires mail-in gold-buying companies to keep detailed records of all transactions, including digital photographs of all items received, and to publish this information on a secure database which can be accessed by law enforcement.

Today, all transactions are added by FastCashGold to the law enforcement database. FastCashGold requires personal information from its customers in order to complete transactions while remaining in full compliance with the new law.

Every FastCashGold customer must supply a government-issued ID number or their personal information can be run through a national database to confirm identity. All customers must also sign a sworn statement that they are of legal age, the owners of the property with the right to sell the items, and that all information supplied by them is true and correct.

How Gold Is Tested

FastCashGold Passes the Test

FastCashGold takes the process of testing your gold or jewelry very seriously. We use a combination of the latest technology and hands-on testing processes to accurately test your gold. FastCashGold testers have 3 testing methods available to them: electronic testing, scratch testing and x-ray fluorescence scanning.

Electronic Testing

Jewelry that is received by FastCashGold is first subjected to a state-of-the art electronic testing device. An alligator clip attaches the metal to the small device. After a few drops of test solution are placed on the test area, the machine quickly and accurately provides the gold quality (measured in karats) on its digital display screen.

In the event that the quality of the gold measured by the electronic tester differs from the quality of the gold as reported by the customer who sent it in, the piece will then undergo a second test—the scratch test. The scratch method is the oldest method used in the jewelry industry, and you may have seen it performed by a jeweler or pawn shop operator.

Scratch Testing

Scratch testing involves the use of needles verified as having certain levels of gold and low-grade acid solutions corresponding to each karat level. By treating the pieces with acid and comparing scratches from the needles, the tester can confirm what kind of gold is contained in the piece.

X-Ray Fluorescence Testing

If both the electronic testing and scratch methods do not confirm clear results, pieces are subjected to an X-ray fluorescence scan. The machine used for this test is an incredibly powerful and remarkably expensive state-of-the-art device capable of providing detailed analysis by measuring the intensity of the generated gold X-rays by wavelength dispersion analysis. When testing is complete, a full report indicates the percentages of gold content as well as other alloying metals such as copper, silver, zinc, etc. This method is remarkably accurate.

Getting fair payments to our customers is a top priority, so the accuracy of gold testing is very important to us.


Safe. Secure. Professional.

You are shipping goods that have the potential for holding high value. We want you to know that your transaction is safe and secure. Here are some fast facts that you should know.

Safe Shipment Safe Arrival Complete Documentation Secure Building

Selling your gold to FastCashGold is a safe, secure transaction. Request your FREE Jewelry Return Pack today!